"Murph" + 5.11 CrossFit (Tac-Tec Plate Carrier) Vest = Good Pain!

"Murph" + 5.11 CrossFit (Tac-Tec Plate Carrier) Vest = Good Pain!

The 2015 CrossFit Games included a hero workout for the first time ever in a games competition. CrossFit couldn't look past the iconic workout "Murph". For those of you who aren't aware what "Murph" includes:

For a normal person, 1 hour would be a great time to complete the "Murph" workout in however, add a 5.11 Tac Tec Plate Carrier with 20 pounds (15 for women) to the above equation and completing the workout in 1 hour would be a tremendous feat. The number one male competitor finished the event in 38 minutes - the number one female finished with 39 mins - both with a 20 pound and 15 pound 5.11 Tac Tec Plate Carrier respectively.  

The "Murph" workout is named after Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a US Navy Seal, who was killed with a number of members from his Seal Team (watch Lone Survivor to get an idea).

Now that you have an overview of "Murph" and what's involved lets look closer at the 5.11 Tact Tec Plate Carrier or 5.11 CrossFit Vest. The Vest is designed for dual purposes, 1. to be an integral part of military and law enforcement gear while on general duty or operations and 2. which we will look in to more so, to be used as a weighted vest during training and exercise.

The 5.11 Tac Tec Plate Carrier is useful when you want to throw a curve ball into your training regime. Running, obstacle racing or during a "Murph" workout, the 5.11 Tac Tec Plate Carrier is a must have for all interested in weighted vest training. And lets face it, the vest looks awesome!

The vest doesn't bounce much and can be tightened to suit your body. Breathability with the vest is also excellent as the skeleton sides and the yoke shoulder system gives you a lot of airflow, which is a major issue with other weighted vests.

The weights for the 5.11 Tac Tec Plate Carrier only go up to 10kg so adding extra weight will require some creativity. Good thing Tactical Source has a solution! What we recommend is buying the Tasmanian Tiger Large/Medium Tool Pocket which mesh seamlessly with the MOLLE platform on the front and back of the vest. To find out more on MOLLE click here. Once you have the Tasmanian Tiger Tool Pocket and have attached it to the vest you can add a standard 1 - 2kg weight into the pouch. You can fit between 5 - 6 tool pocket pouches on each vest taking the weight well over the 10kg mark. We will have a short video on this coming soon so stay tuned for that.

In terms of fitness, it's hard to go by the 5.11 Tac Tec Plate Carrier. The price is definitely up there however the vest is designed to last and go the distance with you. 

You can buy the 5.11 Crossfit Vest here -->

If you would like to discuss plates please contact us on 1800 818 429 or

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